Friday 30 December 2016


Dear readers, when love knocks,  will you open to receive it?  Some people ask,  how do I know when love is knocking, how do I know it's really love that is knocking not another heart ache.
But I tell people, love knocks at your door when you are not looking. It sweeps you off your feet when you are solidly standing. It takes you unawares when you are most focused. It melts your resolve when you are absolutely determined. Love comes knocking sometimes when you have given up on it... You are sitting looking at nothing in particular but love steals your entire gaze. Love knocks when you are not looking. Most people are afraid to submit to love because they believe that it comes with a lot of pain and aches. But all these does not rule out the fact that love is beautiful. It may be painful but when you are not in love you miss it... You want to love and feel loved.
Just be ready and willing to accept it when it knocks....

Thursday 29 December 2016


As the year comes to an end, we begin to take closer look at ourselves and restrategize.
*Goal Setting*

What is Your *PDP* for 2017?

Your *PDP* is Your *Personal Development Plans*.

Your *PDP* must be a *Detailed, Well-Structured, Articulated and Written Plan* that will demand your *loyalty and commitment*.

Your *PDP Guide* must include the following:

1. *Building Spiritual Capacity* (Moving from Just *Relationship* to Quality *Fellowship* with Your *God*)

2. *Inspirational And Motivational Books* to *Read* in 2017 (weekly, monthly or quarterly)

3. *Professional And Career Development* Seminars, Conferences or Workshops to attend. (either *Paid or Free*)

4. *Mentors and Coaches* you must *connect* with in 2017, that will *add great value* to your life and work.

5. *Relevant/Additional Skills* to *Develop* or *Sharpen* to enhance your ability to *SERVE* people and *EARN* more.

6. *Events, Places, Cities And Nations* To *Visit* for personal *relaxation, receation and education*.

7. *Networks or Associations* to join, that will serve as *leverages* for *opportunities* and *connections* (online or offline)

8. What *Products or/and Services* will you be creating in 2017 to multiply *IMPACT* and increase *INCOME*.

9. *Negative Relationships or Friendships* to cut off (that *drains personal energy*)

10. *Wise and Intelligent Investments* to *undertake* in 2017.

11. *Negative Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours* to *confront* and *conquer*.

12. *Positive Habits, Attitudes and Behaviours* to *cultivate* in 2017.

Let Your *Plans* Begin Now!!!

Sunday 18 December 2016


As the year comes to an end, it is imperative to take a closer look at ourselves. Defining who you are before others define you is what's necessary. Have ever ask "who am I? " have you ever been asked "who are you? " did you ever try to answer this question. I have asked myself and I have been asked. Honestly,  I feel like this is the most difficult question in the world. Defining yourself should not be on the basis of how big or small you are,  how rich or poor you are,  are intelligent or not so smart you might be... Your family background, educational stays should not be the basis of your definition. What you should consider when you are defining yourself is how far you have come,  where you are coming from,  where you are now,  and how far you see yourself going. When you think and imagine where you intend to be in the next five years,  then you should carry yourself as the personality you envision. When people ask you who you are, then your definition will be as a result of who you see yourself becoming. It doesn't matter where you are or where you come from. You can become who you have been destined to become no matter the troubles. We can only appreciate light when it is dark.... So it is in those dark situations of your life that you can shine. You can outshine the darkness around  you. So pick up your pen and start defining yourself today. Thanks for reading. Hope you are inspired?

Friday 16 December 2016


have you ever considered the internet data spent on facebook,  whatsapp and other sites. The hours and data spent on clicking "like" on irrelevant posts and wish we could get a refund back?  I usually wish I could be paid for the long hours and money I spend online. I found a great consolation and reward for my time. That is why I am introducing you to this PARTIME job and earn up-to $2500 per week from the comfort of your home. It's easy....just visit the link below,  register and start earning.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Earn $2500 Dollars From your Home

Yes.... You can earn big from the comfort of your home. $2500 dollars with your browsing phone or computer you too can smile your way to the bank.  Simply visit the link provided below and start earning money.

Sunday 11 December 2016


AS life go on,  we remember people we met and those that made lasting impression on us. We remember how close we were and how wonderful it felt to be with them. But somewhere along the way, we are meant to go our separate ways. Separated and left with the memories. Bittersweet memories. Then one day we think about them,  smile at the funfill times and cry at the painful times. We remember the beautiful words and the hateful words,  we recur the admiring gaze and the repulsive stare. Relieving those memories, thinking about these people who used to be very present and active in our lives, we wonder if they ever think of us? We ask if they ever remember and missed the times they spent with us... We wonder if we made a little impact to be remembered by... We wish they can tell us what they missed about us and recount the times we spent. Sometimes we feel the strong need to reconnect but suddenly we wonder if they ever thought of us or if they completely moved on with their lives without a single memory of us... For those who I once used to be close to and we are not so much in touch today,  I am asking "do you ever think of me". If you ever did,  do you have smile on your face or a frown? Dear readers,  did you think of those who used to be sweet with you and had to go their separate ways? Do you ever wonder if you ever crossed their minds... I just wonder if I ever crossed their minds.... Thanks for reading

Friday 9 December 2016


There is a popular but factual saying "no one knows tomorow." Truistically who can tell what tomorrow brings?  Who can change the outcome of tomorrow when you can tell what it looks like? My scars never stop to remind me of the unpredictability of tomorrow.  When the incident occurred (domestic gas explosion) I was so sad and worried. I looked at the mirror and couldn't See Me anymore in the image that stared back at me. The doctors already told me that my eye lashes were gone with the fire burn, hence I will have to apply eye pencil for the rest of my life. My natural long hair, after sometime began to cut gradually. I was really scared of going bald. Inside me, I prayed frantically for a miracle. The treatment was over millions of naira, I was broke, with just few thousands in my account. I worried how I could pay for my treatment. But somehow,the miracle I prayed for began to work. Helpers, least expected helpers took interest in my case and gave me medical support. My eye lashes today is all grown, and I don't really need eye pencil only for that purpose. My hair... Oh my beautiful natural hair is actually touching my shoulders now. Long,  black,  beautiful and back to what it used to be. We worry needlessly.... Oh before I forgot... There is one miracle I am praying for... Although I am not worried while praying for it... I am praying for a good man that will love,  cherish and spend the rest of his life with me despite my ugly scars. Yes... It is possible, God who wiped away my fears,  anxiety and worries,  gave me a a reason to laugh, restoring what science concluded as gone and brought it back,  even better than what it used to be, will take care of this.  Readers out there,  I don't know what your scar story is all about. I can't tell what bothers you the most,  I can't predict your tomorrow as result of your scar,  but what I can tell you is raise your chin up,  shoulder high with a beautiful smile,  there is no need worrying about tomorrow because tomorrow has already been taken care of and it will work for your good. Thanks for reading.... Love you all... Bye for now.
My beautiful natural hair saved from the fire incident. 

Tuesday 6 December 2016


When is it considered bribe and when it is seen as a gift.  Always have it in mind that people don't just go to other people with a nice parcel.  There is always something in mind, a wish,  a favor or request. Most people use the term gift even when they know it's a bribe... Some people has made countless mistakes offering something when making a request to some very principled individuals and ended up having their ads whipped and kicked. Some ended up in jail with their parcelled item standing as evidence against them. Nobody wants to call it "bribe" hence, it's called "gift." To my own understanding of these words,  bribe is when you offer something in exchange for a favour. You are not genuinely giving the person a valid reason why such request should be granted,  rather you try to blind reason with money, gift items and unwarranted services... Make no mistake that is bribe.... On the other hand,  when you give people reason why they should and need to grant your request,  and they agree to it without demanding some sort of payment,  fee or service in exchange,  and that request is met,  the parcel you offer to them after the favor is done can be considered a gift or appreciation. Why people often see these (gift and bribe)  as similar or the same is that both are given for a request. Giving the other earlier before the favor is called bribe, given the other after the favor is called gift. The one who gives after the favor is wetting the ground for the next favor that will be needed. Always bear it in mind, people just don't give gifts, there is always a request standing solidly behind it... So always know when your wrapped parcel can be considered a bribe OR a gift. Please don't tell them I told you (😁)  thanks for reading.

Monday 5 December 2016


I sat down close to the window. As the cool breeze caress my skin,  all I can think of is how futile life is... I remember when I was a little girl, young and full of life and dreams. I always imagined myself all grown up and successful. I loved the woman in my fantasy. I fought to become like her.  But as times goes by,  I realise that everything I ever wanted is coming to me. The game, the luxury I could ever want is coming to me one by one... But something is missing,  no matter how much I achieve,  it still feels like something is missing. I kept on pursuing and fighting to fill the void I always felt in my heart but nothing seems to fill it... Then I realize how futile life is... We continue to ask for more,  fighting to get more,  while thinking our happiness is tied to those things we feel are missing... We need this,  we need that and we are given,  but  is there a time we will ever stop wanting?  To what end are we going to keep demanding?  Are we ever going to be satisfied?  No matter how much we achieve, how powerful we become, oneday we shall all sleep forever.... And all these things we have acquired cannot sleep with us... We shall neglect them,  as our soul uncontrollably drift to the destination of the unknown. I don't know what lies ahead of me... What I know is there God... Almighty God... And life will not be so futile if it is dedicated to almighty God. True happiness does not come from the wealth we gather,  money does not make me happy, material possessions does not..
What makes me happy is knowing am alive and walking in the part of making an impact on lives.. What makes you happy readers?  Search yourself and you I'll be amaze with what you find... Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 29 November 2016


Dear diary,  today I am not going to be worried about what will be and what is supposed to be.  Come to think of it,  who can predict the future?  Who knows what tomorrow holds?  I don't know.  What I know is I need to be happy and my happiness will be my biggest pursuit. I will try to live comfortably and happily,  embracing each day warm heatedly as it comes. I am tired of worrying about what tomorrow brings. I just want to be happy and comfortable and that is what I am going to be. The best things happen to them who are contented and grateful for life. The best things comes to those who rely on grace and do not struggle too much to get them. This is how I feel today, not calculating too much or strategic about how to get all I want. Just learning to be grateful for who I am today and loving me,  myself,  I and Jesus. Good morning dear diary.

Friday 25 November 2016


YES, a picture is suddenly formed in my mind. You want to know what the picture looks like?  I will tell you. It's the picture of a lion(predator) chasing after a antelop(prey) then suddenly, the antelope stopped running, turned to face it predator,  with hairs rising violently,  nose flaring,it charges towards the lion. The lion who cannot and has never seen the antelope so bold,  daring and dangerous was not ready to gamble or call the antelope bluff. Not waiting long enough to find out the antelop's source of strength, the lion runs for life with the antelop chasing after it.... The predator becomes the prey.  I know you are wondering what's on my mind. I have seen people who set off on a task to bring you down. They believe they know everything about you. They think they understand your strength and weakness. They feel they can tell how far you can go, and your limits. They call themselves your fate deciders... They think they have you in the palm of their hands. They get to decide when to pull off the life plug on you, and when to make you live.
What they don't know is you don't even know what you can do or cannot do.... You don't even understand how far you can go and your limits. Where they consider it over for you, there it starts with you. The table suddenly turns around. They that hunts you becomes hunted.  Somehow you found strength in your inner man and goes for them without limit. They begin to call you names like evil because they cannot understand the source of your strength and rising. Never consider yourself weak... How far you can and willing to go is not yours to Decide... Just go for it... You will be amazed how far you have gone and won.
..always find strength in your inner man and cause your predators to become your preys. Thanks for reading....

Thursday 24 November 2016


AS painful as it sounds, it's the truth.  Some of us are probably loathing ourselves. We wish we can be better and so much more than we are now. We take details of the lives of those around us. We wish we could have what they have and live their kind of lives. We are constantly stuck in comparison and hate the position we find ourselves. We tell ourselves how unfair life is to us... I am very guilty of this. I spend time enving my mates that are married and are mothers now. I wish I could have the family they have. I envy those who don't have to constantly wear long sleeves clothes even when the weather is hot.  I wish my scars does not limit me,  so I can wear hand less  cloths and feel the cool breeze caress my skin. Having all these things is not impossible. Attaining these positions in life is not impossible but just a matter of time and chance. Everyone has his own time. Today I have a comfortable job but wants to start a family,  but there are others who have a family but need a comfortable job to provide for them. What you envy about   someone, is different from what another person envy in you. You will learn to get out of your feelings of inadequacy when you remember that there are so many perfect lives IN grave. Yes, they got everything going for them, everything you could ever live for, good looks, good job, good family, nice house and a very attractive bank account. But for some reason bigger than you and I comprehension, they are no more. In the grave,  buried, six feet deep,  laid to rest forever. Their dreams, aspirations and plans all gone. Today we may not be described as perfect but we have life. With life, giving time and chance,  we can be anyone we wish to be and have everything we ever wanted. You and I,  alive though imperfect is better off than the perfect bodies in the grave. Never forget this when the feeling of self pity and loathing tries to weigh you down. I hope you are inspired? Thanks for reading.

Saturday 19 November 2016


they say the weak bow before the powerful.... The weak bow before the strong.  Then I ask who are weak and who are the powerful? There is no definite answer to that question. You get to decide if you are weak or strong.  You don't just say it... You act it and prove it.... I watch people act all powerful, behave like they are your fate deciders.... I laugh when they act like they have totally crush me.... They tell me to quit... That it's game over.... I tell them it is over when I say it is over,  as long as I am still ready to fight back and determined to win.... It can never be over.... When you bow before someone without giving it all you can,  then you have proven yourself as weak... Nobody prays to be faced with worst... We can not even explain what the worst looks like until we are faced with it... You cannot afford to be described as the weak... When you bow to your pains, your oppressors and tormentors without putting up a fight and just accept defeat calling it your fate,  you have decided to be weak... You can chose to be who you are. The weak or the powerful. I hope you act powerful... Thanks for reading. Hope you are inspired.

Friday 18 November 2016


dear readers, these past few days has been quite revealing to me. Yes, I had the opportunity to see man in his real nature. I get to realise that not everyone who smiles with you is genuine with you and not everyone who tells you sorry,  feels your pain and not everyone who says congrats to you is happy for you. We live in the world where the faces You See is covered with mask. Yes, it feels like almost everyone we encounter is wearing a mask. Not until you patiently uncover the mask,  then you will see what lies beneath the mask. The question is how can a mask securely placed in the face be uncovered? One way is to have a fight with your the man next to you and you will see the true colours coming out. You get to hear their secret and hidden opinions about you. Words,  very harsh and bitter words rained at you. Then you get to feel the real anger,  hatred,  disgust,  animosity and aggression securely hidden beneath the mask. I usually tell people,  do not be sad or scared when the real face behind the mask is revealed. Rather consider yourself lucky to see and feel what is real from the illusion. The faces behind the mask are many,  like switch,  the wearer turns and changes each one them whenever he wants. What you see is what they want you to see. We are all wearing masks.... The smiles can be quickly replaced with a frown and the gaze of L OK be with that of hatred. The switch of what is real and what is fake is very thin.... Once the mask is uncovered there is no going back.... You know what they say,  the cover is blown open..... Be careful of who you consider real,  because it can just be a mask worn for your eyes

 only..... Thanks for reading.


my scar story continues. Right now, I see myself gradually forgetting about the pains. When the incident occurred,i could remember even the smallest things. But if you ask me to talk about them today, I tend to forget some painful facts.... Not surprisingly, that's the work of time. With time you come out of the darkest episode of your life a better person. So when people ask me how they could be relieved from the aches they feel in their hearts, I tell them to give it some time.... Time is a great weapon that diminishes the worst kind of memory. Readers out there,  I don't know what you wish you can completely erase from your memory and never think about it,  all I can say to you,  is that you give it time....... Thanks for reading

Monday 7 November 2016


Do Opposites Attract Or Does Like Attract Like In Relationships? Understanding The Science Of Love. According to Lizette Boreli, In relationships, partners claim they want someone who is different but prefer someone with the same personality. So do opposites really attract, or do birds of a feather flock together?

When it comes to relationships, finding the ideal partner could be easy for some and difficult for others because it’s heavily dependent on the characteristics we value most in a mate. The answer to whether opposites attract, or like attracts like, has been an ongoing debate that has both passed and failed the test of time. People are often interested in whether couple similarity, or complementarity, is indicative of relationship outcomes — satisfaction and quality, for instance. It puts into question if birds of a feather who flock together are better off than partners comparable to oil and vinegar.
“Likes” may attract better than “opposites” when it comes to settling down and finding a mate, since people subconsciously seek out mates who have similar traits as themselves. Although there are successful pairings of opposites, such as TV couples Ted and Robin from How I Met Your Mother , or Jay and Gloria from Modern Family , it is not unusual for couples to have a tall and short, or loud and soft-spoken dyad, but this starts with a match. Initially, we like those who like us in return, says Psychology Today , which suggests we prefer consistency in our desires, thoughts, and attitudes. We are drawn to those who are similar to us because it affirms our own characteristics are normal, or desirable.
Stacy Lynn Harp , a clinically trained marriage and family therapist in Tennessee, believes most of us attract people we have things in common with. “Likeness attracts likeness. It's actually a myth that opposites attract,” Harp told Medical Daily in an email. “Those who are seeking people who are similar understand that long term compatibility is more likely with someone who is like themselves.”
A 2008 study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology found individuals desired a partner who resembled them in terms of personality, and also desired a complementary partner instead of a similar one when it came to general preferences. People may be attracted to those who have similar attitudes, values, and beliefs, and may even marry them based on this similarity since attitudes are highly visible and fundamental to the way people live their lives. Personality-related characteristics, however, take much longer to unfold and may not play a substantial role until later in the relationship.

Friday 28 October 2016

Fresh Oil For Dominion

God's Delight Gospel Assembly proudly presents the last for the year 2016,Once in three months all-night tagged FRESH OIL FOR DOMINION....GUESS WHAT?  A BOTTLE OF FREE INDEED ANOINTED WATER AWAITS YOU AS YOU COME...

 BE THERE.....

Harvest Of Two Thousand Babies

God's delight gospel Assembly(a.k.a Free Indeed) proudly presents a power packed program. See full details on the banner below
Come and be part of this awesome experience..... I see you there...... 

Wednesday 26 October 2016


Hi readers, it's been a while...i know I have been preoccupied. Today I am going to be encouraging you to be fearless IN this world characterised by endless fears. I have seen things, I have heard things and the looming question in my mind is,  what is the worst that can happen? Fear is a torment,  fear is a trap,  fear is an entanglement. If there is anything you should be afraid of in this world is fear. Some people ask, how can I get over my fear? Is it possible to defeat my fears? My answer is, o yes... You can... With just one question... Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen? Remember what does not kill you,  makes you stronger. And trust me when i say, nothing can kill you if you are determined to defeat it. Fear is a thing of the mind. Like some unforeseen shadow,  that makes our heart beats loudly and our pupils dilate erratically. I encourage you dear readers to be fearless IN this world characterised by endless fears.

Friday 21 October 2016


hello readers, today I am going to be talking about our greatest fear. What is that thing you consider your greatest fear?  Some people say it is the fear of being alone for the rest of their lives.  Others say it is remaining dependent forever. While some more say it is the fear of rejection and dejection. My greatest fear is becoming over weight and kising my fitness. Yes... I am afraid that oneday I might just wake up and find myself overly weighted and unable to work on it... Whatever your greatest fear is,  you have got to face it... The sooner you do,  the better for you. At some point we are faced with our greatest fear. What do you do when the reality you consider most gruesome is staring at your face?You step over it boldly and defeat it... We rise above our greatest fear. Remember it is not because we are inadequate but because we are powerful beyond measure. We do not know the extent of our strength until we are faced with situations that seems impossible to overcome, then conquer. Rise above your greatest fear because you are powerful than you know it. Thanks for reading.

Sunday 16 October 2016


HI readers,  it's been a while.. But today I am glad I am able to write to you. In my adult life, I cannot watch myself being worried and upset about anything. Life is too short for the misery and pains,  so I try to be happy and content with my life.
I often see ladies who hold on to relationships that make them sad and pathetic. They feel that if they should let these guys who make them sad go,  they will be left with no one,  lonely and miserable for the rest of their lives. What they don't know is it is better to be alone and happy than holding on to misery and sadness. At this stage of my life,  I will gladly be alone,  enjoy the calm,  rear pets, hug my teddy bears very tight than have someone around who will cause me endless pains and misery. The key word today is loving yourself. If you learn to love yourself, you will pursue your happiness tirelessly and guide it jealously. Today emphasis is on self love.... Please love yourself and be happy with your life. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 4 October 2016


There are boundaries to everything in this life. Knowing your boundary saves you from numerous unpleasant situations. Once you cross the line without invitation can lead to ugly occurrences.  I have heard people say you are too careful,  you are too sensitive, it will not hurt to drop by once or twice unexpectedly. A lot less surprise visit or interference will not hurt. Well,  all I got to say to you is that you are wrong. Crossing the line can be ugly. Most people lime to maintain their boundaries and will expect you to do same.  Respect they say is reciprocal. So maintain your lane, and don't interfere with others except you are invited.  Thanks for reading.

Sunday 2 October 2016


I will continue to write about my experiences as I gradually rise above my scars. Before the fire incident, I mean before my scar days,  when I walk on the road and catches the stare of the opposite sex,  I always feel admired except when I sense a glimmer of curiosity in their gaze. Looking back at those days and remembering how confident I used to be that I was admired made me somehow miss those sweet old days. But today, still healing from my visible and ugly scar, no matter how gorgeously dressed I appear, I still can't shake off the feeling that everyone who stares at me pities me.
It almost feels like the days when I receive compliments like "you are beautiful" are long gone. Today what I hear that seems like the best compliment I get is "you are one lucky lady". "You are very strong". Sometimes I still yearn for someone who will say you are beautiful and gorgeous despite your scars.
When some guys collects my phone number and ask me to be their friends,  I wonder if they do this out of pity or admiration. I write this because this is the stage of  am now and one great question I am trying to answer as I am still healing from my scars. Am I pitied OR admired? How can I tell which is which?  How do I know he spends time with me because he admires me not the other way round. I guess the only way I can know is if he says it.... If he wants something, he will definitely say it... If he is not saying it,  then he wants nothing. Sometimes I wish I could just scream at them saying "don't call me if the reason is because you pity me". "Don't text or chat me up if the reason is because you feel I am lonely,  bored,  have no friends and you pity me".
Dear readers I am not writing this to be pitied even more,  I write this to be admired and appreciated. Do not pity me because I don't pity myself. I push myself really hard and do what you without scars will consider impossible to accomplish. That is how strong and solid I am..... I want to be admired not pitied despite my scars.  Thanks for reading.

Monday 26 September 2016



*1. Eagles fly alone and at high altitudes. They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.*

MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

*2. Eagles have an accurate vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.*

MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.

*3. Eagles do not eat dead things. They feed only on fresh prey*.

MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

*4. Eagles love the storm. When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.*

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

*5. When a female eagle meets a male eagle and they want to mate, she flies down to earth, picks a twig and flies back into the air with the male eagle in hot pursuit. Once she has reached a height high enough for her, she drops the twig and let it fall to the ground while she watches. The male eagle chases after the twig and catches it before it reached the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle. The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude and drop the twig again for the male eagle to chase. This goes on for hours with the height increasing each time until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which shows commitment. Then and only then will she allow him to mate with her.*

MEANING; Whether in private life or business, one should test the commitment of the people intended for partnership.

*6. Eagles prepare for training; They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest.*

MEANING; Leave your comfort Zone, there is no growth there.

*7. When the eagle grows old, his feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.*

MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of.

BE AN Eagle.


I know many of us don't see the need to agree with me, but that does not change the fact that life is beautiful.....we do not know what having life is the most beautiful and most expensive gift ever. most people value a gift of millions of money compared to their love for life. the irony of this is that it takes life to appreciate such money.


without life, your possession of millions of bucks and the finest  gold is useless. at that point when you are struggling to stay alive, to breathe, then you suddenly forget about your need for money, security and other material things of life. you do everything you can to hold on to life, to breath....nothing else suddenly matters but life. i know you are going through alot right now, and you wish there can be sudden change to your situation, you see yourself doing anything to get out from that mess. but just take a deep breath, i say don't forget to breathe for one second, look around you, remember loved ones, friends that are no more or are fighting for life. then you will have a reason to say Life Is Beautiful and be appreciative of life. thanks for reading

Saturday 24 September 2016


I have listened to people say its not easy... Who said its going to be easy? Haven't you heard that good things don't come easily? As tough as it looks and gets, what are you going to do? Fight OR fly? Which is it going to be? The world is a scary place,  with scary people and scary things going on... So where are you going to run to?  Out of this world? Isn't that death? You can only be free from the heartaches, pains and struggles only when you are dead. As long as you are breathing,  there is no way you can avoid these things...

So what is it going to be,  fight OR flight?  I rather fight because running away does not outdo anything. Who says where you are running to will be safe? With the pains,  insecurities and struggle? I encourage to face your worst fears and just get over with it... I don't know what you want so badly and what seems like a threat in your way to get it... What I can say to you is fight for it.... Choose fight not flight.... And when you recognize that this life is full of blows,  then you will learn how to channel these blows to the wind by fighting not flight.  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 20 September 2016


precisely on September 20, 2013 tragedy struck. I suffered from a fatal accident. I recur every second of the explosion like it was yesterday . The endless pain,  the emotional and psychological trauma. The lost beauty and friendship. But today I write and I recount my experience with a grateful heart.
I never thought a day would come when I could work freely on the road and inhale the beautiful breeze. I took lots of pictures this morning while preparing to go to work and every single snap shot just made sense. I feel so beautiful inside out and gorgeous and fabulous. Today is my second birthday, September 20 is the day I became new,  reborn and remade. I usually tell people that I have two phases of life.  The first is before the fire incident and the other is after the fire incident. Today I no longer look at my scars and remember what I lost, rather I am reminded of what I  have found,  gained and how powerful and awesome I have become through the incident. What more can I say,  I am grateful,  I am thankful and appreciative.... Here are some pictures.

Friday 16 September 2016


Irony of Life

Popcorns are normally fried in the same pot, in the same oil, at the same time and under the same heat conditions. But they do not all pop at the same time. When flood comes, fish eat ants. When flood recedes, ants eat fish. Only time matters. To make soap, oil is required. But to clean oil, soap is required. This is the irony of life. Everybody needs somebody at any one point in time. Do not despise or treat anyone with scorn when they are excelling or failing more than you. There is time for EVERYTHING and for EVERYONE. Keep TRUSTING in God and WAITING for your turn. Your time to POP will come at God's appointed time. NEVER GIVE UP! He makes all things beautiful in his own time.

Thursday 15 September 2016


The wafi(warri,a place in delta state,  Nigeria)  people describes wash-wash as fake,  unreal, something likened to an illusion or totally none existent.

Today I will be talking about wash-wash people. People who has nothing but brags about wearing the best clothes and eating in the best and most expensive places. I have come in contact with a lady, she was phonetizing and walking like she does not excrete. She talked big on phone,  calling huge amount of money, talking about big places she usually visits. At first, my impression of her is this girl is in money. We became friends,  then I had the privilege to visit her in her apartment. Guess what?  She lives in a room apartment, with a dirty, old and out of life and time looking mattress. I looked at the phone in her hands,  so expensive that I couldn't understand why she could not afford a better mattress. Then I saw that her neighbours were asking for her light bills and security fees.  She kept on posting them. Telling them that she is bigger than what they are harassing her for. I was dumbfounded and shocked. My last impression of her is the kind you have for a loser... Now what will it cost you to be yourself? If you are not you,  then who are you? I will continue with this discussion on fake people a.k.a wash-wash.  Look out for my next post. A continuation on this topic.

Wednesday 14 September 2016


You can't tell who the enemy is until you have been stabbed in the back. Sometimes we often call those who frown at us,  insult us and throw stones at us,  the enemy.  But a bigger enemy is the one who is ready to hug us in times of distress,  comfort us and then stab us when we are not looking or in our weakest moments. It is easy for the enemy to succeed in attacking us when they are disguised as friends rather than the actual enemy.

Today,  I found two sides to a man,  not that I never knew it existed but I never thought it could be so bold.  ..the betrayal... Bold betrayal. Be weary of those who look into your eyes and tell you they have your back,but looking for an opportunity to stab you when you are not looking. I have being betrayed before,  I have been betrayed again... It is never sweet.... The feeling is bitter,  my entire being is screaming for vengeance, but didn't the holy Bible say vengeance is of the Lord's? And the holy Bible also says... Trust no man... Nothing good comes from trusting anyone... I have become weary of humans.... Too weary of them.... I don't want to let it go,  at the same time I want to let go so badly...

Tuesday 13 September 2016


*There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind.*

*She hated ever
yone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her.*

*She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'*

*One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.*

*He asked her,’ Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?'*

*The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.*

*Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'*

*This is how the human brain often works when our status changes.*

*Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.*

*Life Is a Gift*

*Today before you say an unkind word -*

*Think of someone who can't speak.*

*Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.*

*Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to ALMIGHTY GOD for a companion.*

*Today before you complain about life -*

*Think of someone who died too young.*

*Before you complain about your children -*

*Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.*

*Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep -*

*Think of the people who are living in the streets.*

*Before whining about the distance you drive*

*Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.*

*And when you are tired and complain about your job -*

*Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.*

*But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another -*

*Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER.*


One of the greatest challenges that all of us will face during our life is knowing where to spend our time.  As you well know, all of us are allotted the same amount of time – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year (and 1 extra day on Leap Year).  But, what we do with that time is up to each of us individually.  How we spend that time and who we choose to spend it with is important.  Our choices can make a huge difference in our life and in the lives of those we interact with, as well.  Since that is the case, my suggestion is to go where you are celebrated…not just tolerated.
Perhaps you enjoy being part of some sort of sports team where your teammates pat you on the back, coaches commend your good work, and those in the stands jump up and cheer for you.  Who wouldn’t feel good about that?!

Do you work with those who value your contribution to the business?  Is there a sense of camaraderie and teamwork?  Sure, every organization has its ups and downs, but knowing that you are making a positive contribution and that your work is valued and appreciated by other people causes you to feel celebrated, too.
Maybe you are part of a church or social group where friends are glad to see you when you come in and you are glad to see them.  There is a sense of peace and contentment that comes when relationships are formed where there is mutual care and concern for each other.  Nothing feels quite as good as being celebrated and validated.

Sunday 11 September 2016


Sometimes it’s less painful in the long haul
You may have heard the phrase that if you love something, you have to let it go. Unfortunately that statement is true.

It’s a difficult thing to have to admit to yourself but sometimes you have to admit that the person you’re with would be happier without you. It may not be that you’re a bad person but you’re just not what the other person is looking for.

When you’re with someone who isn’t right for you, it’ll be painful. You’ll continue to fight. Bad things will continue to happen.
Sure you may be happy at first but it’s nothing more than precursor to months upon months of potential misery that ends with yet another breakup. You don’t deserve that and your partner doesn’t deserve that.
The things people will go through for love are ridiculous sometimes. You may love someone very much but if you two just can’t figure out a way to be happy, then it’s time to let them find someone who can.
Sometimes you can’t show how much you love someone
There are a lot of other reasons that people just can’t love someone as much as they want to. Being in a high stress job is a common one. You may love your significant other but you’re always at work. If you don’t spend any time with them then the relationship just won’t work. You may be emotionally, mentally, or physically stunted and can’t satisfy your partner in those areas as much as you want to. Perhaps they simply want a different kind of love than you are capable of giving.

Love is a tricky thing like that. It’s not a base emotion that is explainable. It’s an ever moving and evolving emotion that changes and matures over time. Some people only like it when they feel the feeling of butterflies in their stomachs that comes with new love. Others enjoy the routine of having someone always there to lean on. If you’re a butterflies lover and your partner is a routine-rock lover then obviously things aren’t going to last forever.
It’s truly difficult to explain specific circumstances where it’s better to let someone you love go because everyone’s situation is so different. There is no such thing as a typical relationship and there is no such thing as typical love.
In many cases when you need to let someone you love go there’s a feeling. Many people ignore the feeling or don’t recognize it but it is a palpable feeling. When it’s time to call it quits, you will know. It’s just a matter of acting on the feeling.


Hello readers, today for reasons I can't tell, I was down,  feeling suddenly all alone and unaccomplished.i felt like nothing was making sense and the day suddenly felt like a bad dream I was having, fighting desperately to wake up from it. Going by my life's plan,  I am supposed to be married three years ago. My first child is suppose to be two years, but I am here and still single. I felt sad and depressed. It looks like everyone is moving and I am stucked.
I want to have a normal life like other people. Go to school,  graduate,  get a job,  fall in love, get married and have beautiful kids. But as the years go by I can't tell if normal is ever going to happen to me. I feel like a spectator not a player in this world. Tears welled up and all I wanted to do was cry. All I wanted to do was let it all out. Just before a tear could drop, I remembered that I almost died... I remembered that talking about falling in love and getting married would not be an option if I was killed by the gas explosion. Suddenly instead feeling regrets, I felt grateful for my life. I almost died,  so was everything I am supposed to be,  to have... But I live today,  so is everything I am, I have,  I will be and I want.... Because I live,  everything is going to be alright.... Yes,  everything is going to be just fine.... Am alive that's all that matters to me. Is there anything in this world greater than the gift of life? I am feeling so grateful to God... Now,  I suddenly feel on top of the world.... Thanks for reading....

Saturday 10 September 2016


They say they love me and will even die for me, that we will grow old together,  I tell them... Only time will tell.
He has made endless promises to me... And he said he will fulfill them all even if it amounts to using his last breath.... I tell him... Only time will tell.
She said our friendship is one to kill for and die for,  that no matter the situation we will always be together,  looking out for each other.... I tell her,  only time will tell.
I actually think he loves me,  he wants to spend the rest of his life with me... I tell myself... Only time will tell.
The day is very bright and sunny,  it feels like its going to be like that forever,  I tell myself, only time will tell.
She said there is no solution to problems of life, she does not see a way out of these problems,  I tell her,  only time will tell.
They said what I see is all I get,  I tell them,  only time will tell.
They said I will never be more than I am right now, that there is nothing special about me,  I tell them... Time will tell.
He said they call him the sorry loser,  the hopeless and the useless,  he feels down and believes them because he sees nothing special about him.  I tell him,  only time will tell....
What are people telling you today? How do people see you today? Have they concluded on your fate? Have they written you off? Or have you given up on yourself? Do nothing.... Just give it time... Because only time will tell what happens next....... Thanks for reading.....

Friday 9 September 2016


Late Mr. Emmanuel Okomanyi passed on two months ago. Listening to his daughter Miss Priscilla Okomanyi talk about how awesome and cool her father was moved me to join her to celebrate his accomplishments as a father while he was alive. With tears on her eyes she recounted the last days he spent before he died. She said it all started from an unserious  illness. Her father was always there for her. He loved her, Deb  and their mother unconditionally.  He was her confidant best friend and everything. She feels a huge emptiness in her heart that only her father's presence can fill. In her words spoken in between sobs "I still can't believe he is gone,  there are times when I wish it is all a dream,  and pray to wake up from this nightmare". She recounted how in the sick bed,  he requested to go take the Sunday message in the church. When preparing for the service that day he asked her to pick the clothe he would wear.  In her words and I quote "he never allows anyone to choose his clothes for him,  he believes he is a fashionista and just knows

what is best for him to wear". It is an irreplaceable loss to the family. He was the best dad ever.... She described him as a good friend,  not the typical daddies you find out there,  but somehow he was a displinarian and a man of principles. He loved God and served him to his last breath on earth.
Today,  I join Priscilla to celebrate her father who has accomplished greatly as a father,  brother and uncle. He was a good father to his children,  a good brother to his siblings and a good son to his parent. Although he is sleeping in the Lord,  the smile he has placed on our faces will never fade. He is gone today,  but his memory lives on in the heart of his loved ones.  He was a philanthropist, a Man of God and a selfless father, brother,  uncle to all who crossed his part. We know that you have departed and left us in this world. But your memory lives on,  so is your legacy as the coolest and most reliable dad ever.
In her words"while he was very sick and in pains, he said to me Priscilla be strong. I can only live to be what you ask me to be.... I know he watches me, sees me... Always by my side,  though he is unheard,  unseen but always there for me and Deb(Priscilla's younger sister) Although it's being two months since you left us,  it's still feels like yesterday and a dream,  wherein we need someone to pinch us and tell us it's all real.... That you are truly gone. Daddy you are everything  to us.... We couldn't have asked for a better father than you have being. Although it still feels too early for you to leave but the times we shared,  is a treasure we will cherish for the rest of our lives.

Goodbye Father... Till we meet again to part no more.... Goodbye and Sweet Dreams in the Lord.
May your gentle soul continue to rest in Perfect Peace.

Written On Behalf of Pricilla Okomanyi  for the family of Mr.  Emmanuel Okomanyi.

Thursday 8 September 2016


In this post by Deborah  L Davis, When a relationship is over, feelings of rejection can numb your sense of self and wreck your balance. For many jilted lovers, the first impulse is to try to fix what’s broken or recover what was lost. But often, the beloved has moved on and reconciliation is not possible. And still you persist. How can you ever move on?
One of my most popular posts is “Coping with Distress and Agony after a Break-Up.” It lists strategies and affirmations that can soothe feelings of rejection, decrease obsessions, and reduce the desire to maintain contact with the former lover.
But as a recent reader pointed out, how can you believe an affirmation of worth when you are convinced of your unworthiness? And why would you use strategies for moving on when you’re still trying to find a solution that will win back your beloved?

These are excellent points. So let’s examine “coping with a break-up” from this very different perspective.
If you are still distressed by feelings of failure, idealizing the one who rejected you, and intent on recovering the lost relationship, you’ve essentially granted this relationship the power to consume your life and create your misery.
Powerless, you’ve become invisible, even to yourself, and certainly to this desired person-- or any other person who might be a potential mate. You may harbor a sense of being stuck, or feeling suspended from truly living. In fact, it’s quite difficult to win anyone's affection while you're feeling like a loser.
So here is a set of strategies for reclaiming your power and recovering yourself, including your emotional equilibrium, your vitality, and your
Forget about moving on. Moving on and away from your beloved before you’re ready only increases your distress. Where you are right now is precisely where you belong.
Instead, envision moving forward. Moving forward means not staying stuck in the same place that’s getting you nowhere fast. In other words, if a life strategy isn’t working after many months, don’t think “must do this harder, longer, faster, stronger”. Instead, think, “must find a new life strategy.” And if you’re destined to be with your beloved, moving forward simply brings you into a better place to make that happen.
See your reactions as normal. Our brains and bodies are wired to have powerfully painful reactions to rejection. The break-up of a relationship can trigger a cascade of chemicals that make you feel lonely, depressed, and worthless—especially if you see the rejecter as “the one for you”. You are not crazy-- you’re in a natural state of distress.
Face your grief. It can be tempting to avoid grief. You may be fearful that it will be too painful, especially since you’ve lost someone and something precious. But repressing your grief can result in depression, anxiety, obsession, suppressed immune system, and chronic despair. Avoiding grief keeps you feeling stuck and powerless.
See grief as a necessary reaction to loss. Grief includes feelings of disbelief, anger, fear, and sadness, as well as physical symptoms of fatigue, tension, emptiness, distractibility, and changes in appetite and sleep. It is painful, to be sure, but it is also a byproduct of your ability to invest in meaningful relationships.
See grieving as a process of healing. Grieving is how you gradually let go of what might have been, and adjust to what is. And over time, your outlook will naturally shift from “I must demonstrate I am a worthy mate for her/him” to “I can reclaim my own sense of worth.” Grieving is what sets you free from the pit of despair.
To move through the grieving process, get out of your head and get in touch with your body. Believe it or not, it’s hard to move through an emotional experience by staying in your head. While you’re rationalizing your sense of worthlessness and wracking your brain for solutions, you’ve probably put your emotions on hold and cut off your bodily awareness.
Your bodily sensations tell you the truth about what’s going on for you. Whenever you feel an emotion welling up or feel a contraction somewhere in your body, simply observe your bodily sensations of emotion as they move through you. Particularly if meditation and
mindfulness don’t work because intrusive thoughts keep derailing your efforts, you may benefit from this body-centered, somatic approach, with support and coaching on attending to the physical sensations in your body. By training your attention on your body, your mind stays out of the way rather than escalating your pain with inflammatory thoughts.
So, for example, when you’re thinking s/he is what I want and I must demonstrate that I am a worthy mate -- or s/he’s just not that into me-- or
her/his rejection means I’m a failure , switch your focus to your bodily sensations, whatever they might be. I feel tightness in my jaw . Or I have a lump in my throat. Or I have butterflies in my tummy.
Anger (including frustration, irritation, guilt) tends to be expressed as tension in the jaw, head, neck, shoulders, and hands. Sadness (including sorrow, disappointment, despair) is often felt as pain or constriction in the throat, chest, and arms. Fear (including anxiety, worry, dread) might be felt as discomfort or uneasiness in the belly or legs. You may have your own unique responses.
Let feelings flow. When an emotion is triggered, notice how your physiology ramps up at first. Attend to your bodily sensations as you ride the wave, so you can disregard any painful thoughts. Stay on task by scanning your entire body and describing your physical sensations to yourself. You’ll reach the crest, and as your physiology calms down, you’ll slide down into calmer waters. Observe how the wave has passed through you -- within a mere minute or two. That's what emotion is-- energy in motion. Your physiology ramps up and then quickly calms down, as long as you don't sustain it with painful thoughts. It’s just a wave and not a flood, unless you make it so.
That’s why focusing only on your physical sensations is a powerful tool—it renders you incapable of thinking painful thoughts (including repressive ones such as, I can’t feel this grief; it’s too painful; it will destroy me) that needlessly ramp up your pain. By focusing on your body, you’ve put a halt to that endless loop of mental anguish and existential suffering, and allowed your feelings of grief to flow through and out of you.
Practice this technique every time a wave of emotion comes up, and you’ll never have to experience that particular wave again. Letting your feelings flow through you frees you from their grip and eases your emotional burden-- and enables you to naturally move forward.
Granted, letting it flow can be totally scary, especially when your feelings promise to be painful or overwhelming. But by riding the waves, you get to go with the flow and find healing.
Practice deep, slow breathing. Physiologically, the only difference between excitement and fear is whether you’re breathing or not. Fear is excitement without breath. Focusing on your
breathing, even for a few minutes a day, can put your brain into a more soothing state. Calm breath also makes it easier for you to practice being a nonjudgmental observer and letting your painful feelings flow when you are triggered. Getting out into nature (ecotherapy) has a similar calming effect. Breathe.
Take one day at a time. There are no deadlines. Trust the process and understand that your adjustment can be as gradual as you need it to be. It’ll happen as you become ready for it.



In view of the present economic situation around the world and Nigeria in particular , adequate cautions must be taking by us all.
Be prepared to let go of some things and spend only when absolutely necessary. If you have saved money, try not to touch it quickly.
Avoid capital projects until you are certain of replenishing your bank accounts.
Avoid social travels that bring no added income.
If attending a burial, wedding, naming ceremony, marriage anniversary will eat into your savings, avoid them. You would be called names, accept the name calling but understand that these same
people will call you worse names if you have to borrow from them to feed your family.
Reduce your responsibilities. Your first duty is to your family. If you don't provide for them, others will rarely do so.
Talk to your friends who are working not to bother asking you for favours.
Avoid those who ask you in advance what you are going to get for them on their birthdays or Valentine day.
They tell you things are hard but refuse to agree that things are hard for you too.
Cut your pants according to your cloth. If you think that staying in Lekki will take more than half of your savings, move to Otta.
The downfall of a man is not the end of his life. Help your friends to start cutting costs by cutting costs yourself. Don't spend thousands to celebrate your birthday because you will be putting pressure on them to celebrate theirs.
If they call and ask how your birthday is going to be, tell them "e go better". Tell them you hope things will improve next year.
Do not be pushed into unnecessary spending for any reason.

Even if you have the money to spend, spend on things that can uplift your life and the life of others.
People have spent millions on their wedding, only to live unhappily thereafter.
People have spent millions on their birthdays, only to be forgotten a few month after.
Most importantly understand that happiness does not come from vanity.
There are hundreds of people out there, unknown in your circles who are living a quiet life of bliss.
Moreover, there is no Big Boy or Girl in the grave.
Economic indices have indicated trying times are here but we shall overcome.
Seriously reflect on this message.

Monday 5 September 2016


good day everyone, today I am going to be continuing my write-up on makeup wonders. I remember saying in my previous post on this topic that,  after using a new powder and a concealer I couldn't recognize the lady that stare back at me in the mirror. Yes and the only thing I could say Is guys are in trouble. I know you are wondering why I said so, come to really think of it,  a makeup that can transform you from a dark skinned person to a light skinned person is enough to get anyone and everyone who knows you confused. I am a lady and I wonder how guys cope. I know a guy who has successfully dated a girl for five years and does not really know what she looks like... Did I hear you say how is that possible? Yes it's possible... Makeup transformation does it... And the day he finally saw what she really looks, he ended the relationship mistaking her or comparing her to the jury in his village...
This transformation is so effective that even an albino becomes totally unrecognizable and can be easily mistaken for a pure white or half cast...i heard the story of a man who married a woman and just after the first night together, he took her to the court,  suing her for beauty fraud. He said she should either return the money he paid on her or she should bring back the lady he married. I know what you are thinking... Yes,  he paid for a woman looking like Alicia Keys as a result of makeup transformation but after taking her bath, without the makeup,  she is looking like someone else.... I am not saying we should stop getting transformed by makeups, because I love it transformation and looking good is good business...
But all I am trying to say is,  let's not allow ourselves to be lost in it transformation, we should stay in touch with who we really are and appreciate what we look like once in a while by going out and be seen in our natural look sometime. Giving people a chance to know the real us,  like the real us,  be with the real us and fall in love with the real us...
You know what they say,  moderation in all things... You don't want to spend the night with that dude and when you come out of the bathroom the next morning he mistakes you for the legendary warrior of ancient times. Makeup transformation is good,  so is looking natural once in a while.  Thanks for reading....

Saturday 3 September 2016


Today I am going  to be very direct with my topic. When the incident occurred,  I couldn't come to terms with the fact that my beauty was gone. Truth is,  I used to feel that being beautiful outwardly makes life easy and right. My beauty was one source of my confidence and self esteem,  that was why,  even when I have not eaten I could spend my last dim to rub good creams and apply the best makeup. Seeing myself today scarred and not so outwardly beautiful,it just makes me realise that our next minute is never predictable.okay, Ijeoma enough with do I call it self pity or self loathing... Truth is I don't know what to call my ramblings. All I can say is what's done is done. Anything you cannot undo or change,  there absolutely no need wasting time or shedding more tears about it... You just have to pick up what's left of your life and be the best you can be. You might not be beautiful outwardly,  but you can become the most Beautiful inwardly. Just appreciate yourself for how you is you not what people are seeing or saying about you.  Concentrate on being happy and you will see yourself shining... Just love yourself,  if you don't,  how do you expect others to love you? Accept yourself, if you don't,how do you expect others to accept you? Believe it or not people are unconsciously drawn to positive energy,  if you exude the negative type of energy,  people will only run away from you. And I would not like it if you blame it on your situation. One thing I hate the most,  is to be pitied.

That is why,  I never allow my situation to become my limitation. Rather I find immense strength in what I am going through. I just want to be happy... No one is responsible for this wish... I alone can make it happen.... I alone can make me happy. So quit the self pity and self loathing and move on...what's done is done and cannot be undone... So live everyday like its your last... Always remember that your happiness is your sole responsibility. Thanks for reading....

Friday 2 September 2016


A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.

What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the goat and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The goat sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.

The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital , and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his matchet to the farmyard for the soup's main Ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock.

To feed them, the farmer butchered the goat.

The farmer's wife did not get well; she died.

So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.

We are all involved in this amazing journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.

Each of us may not be connected through a blood line, we may not even be friends. But we are all connected through brotherhood. We must all master the art of intercession prayer.


A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.

What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the goat and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The goat sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.

The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital , and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his matchet to the farmyard for the soup's main Ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock.

To feed them, the farmer butchered the goat.

The farmer's wife did not get well; she died.

So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.

We are all involved in this amazing journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.

Each of us may not be connected through a blood line, we may not even be friends. But we are all connected through brotherhood. We must all master the art of intercession prayer.