Friday 19 August 2016


Love is mostly tender and quiet.
Love is a light that allows people to see things that are not seen by others.
Romantic love is a deep emotional, sexual and spiritual recognition and regard for the value of another person and relationship.
Romantic love can generate many powerful feelings. It can provide a profound ecstasy, and a deep suffering when frustrated. To some people, romantic love is irrational. Romantic love can seem like an emotional storm.
This paper is really a collection of experiences, thoughts, readings, and the result of my discussions with people falling in and out of love. I am most inspired to write when I meet someone in love or someone feeling crushed when their love was lost. You will agree with me that at some point felt this irresistible love for someone and thought we cannot live without this person. This person makes us cry and laugh to the extent that life feels meaningless without this person. But in one day everything just changed. Sometimes with the same frequency at which we love them,  we suddenly hate them and never want to be part of their lives anymore.. My question is what changed?
I have had countless experiences talking to people who believe romantic love is followed by disillusionment. These people come to believe that romantic love is a false hope.

They began their relationship with romantic feelings. They had dreams for their future. They felt that life was finally rewarding and worthwhile. But eventually the relationship began to fall apart. It was a painful experience. They remember when they were in love. They feel tortured by their inability to see how or why their love was lost. Times when we convinced ourselves that we fell in love was it a figment of our imagination? The endless promises of unfailing love from that person we thought we were going to grow old with was it just romantic lines rehearsal. If romantic love is real how come it fizzles out so quickly. Today we meet A,  we fall in love,  at some point A begins to piss us,  A becomes unbearable, A goes boring... Then we fall out of love,  meets B and discover our hearts beating very fast. Then we say this is love,  B becomes the centre of our world, our life and even the air we breath. Then suddenly B is gone. The love is lost. Sometimes we can tell when it ends,  sometimes it remains a mystery. But what hurts the most is the thought that we couldn't hold on much longer, the feeling that it was suppose to be permanent.
I continue to imagine,  is love coming and going or just the romantic love? Isn't love permanent, why does it feels so temporary? Dear readers if you have an answer to these,  please leave your comments. Thanks for reading.......

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