Wednesday, 19 July 2017


yes, scars don't  just happen. There is always a sign that accompanies that gruesome episode that is about to change your life forever.  The day of the gas explosion, I was sad and happy all through.  I did anything and everything I know trying to uplift  my mood.  For reasons I cannot tell I was worried.  I looked my best that very day. Soon,  I saw a little girl with burns on her neck. I stood for some minutes staring at her,  wondering about the magnitude of pain she must have been through. Unknowingly to me,  that I was going to suffer from same fate,  in few hours time. The fire happened and it was serious. The endless nightmares before the incident,  my sour mood that day before the accident  and the little girl with the burns on her neck was a sign.  A sign of painful and devastating times to come. Today I am saying if you feel moody,  sad and worried for no concrete reason,  do not take it for granted, just go on your knees and pray. Pray for God's protection in your next moments.  That unforeseen evil hour, pray for the salvation of your soul.  The signs comes but we do not understand,  but when we pray,  we will definitely survive the evil hour.  Thanks for reading.

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